Day: November 18, 2022

the prince and prince

Once upon a time, there was a big castle with beautiful prenses at the top of the castle and a prince at the bottom. When they first saw each other they fell in love. When the prince saw he rushed over the broken bridge busted through the door then crashed into a big red slimy scaly tail roar! Said a big red slimy scaly scary dragon!!! So he pulled out his sharp sword he sliced and chopped but still, the dragon was standing. He wanted her so bad so he did whatever to get to her until the mighty sword broke so he did what he had to do… run! so he ran and ran till he found the stairs so he ran up the stair and saw the beautiful prince and picked her up and kissed her. the end.

Bike ready programme

On the 17th of November, some ladies sam and shay came and talked about some bikes. We got to ride and play some cool games with room 5. We played floor is lava and played on a ramp they were fun as but then we had to get off A for air B for brake check C for chain check d for drop test E for equal handlebars for a quick check it was so fun we all had a good day and after that, we had a swim after it it was really fun that we got to ride bikes.